The picture is from one of my favorite photographers, Paul Strand. The lesson we studied tonight is where Jesus healed a blind man by putting mud on the blind person's eyes. We talked about the three types of people found in the text: the followers (Disciples), the hurting (Blind Man), and the skeptics (Pharisees.) We also talked about what Jesus does for these three sets of people. Jesus brings healing to hurting, Jesus has answers for the skeptics, and Jesus proves his power to His followers.
"I don't know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!" (John 9:25).
Questions to ask your teenagers:
1. Describe what happened in John 9?
2. Why did Jesus make the blind man walk to the pool?
3. Where did the blind guy go after he was healed?
4. What did Jesus do at the end of the chapter?
5. How can Jesus heal your hurts?