5th Quarter this Friday night after the football game. Food, Open Gym, & Video Games. 10-11:30 PM in the CAC. C U There.
It is time again for our bi-monthly youth breakfast. The high school classes are hosting this one. So all you high school kids need to bring something to eat. The department will provide the drinks.
The fun starts at 9:15 in the Youth Department. We will eat and then my beautiful wife, Emily, will be sharing her story with us. You have all heard stories about her from me. Come see if they are all true.
1. God accepts you as you are
2. God loves you too much to leave you that way
3. God loves you too much to give up on you
1. ACCEPT God’s free gift of love
Questions to ask your kids
1. Tell me the story about the Korean orphan.
2. Explain the contrast that God loves you the way that you are but also loves you too much to leave you that way.
3. Tell me the story of David Wilkerson, the gang minister.
4. Explain how God never rejects us, but we can reject Him.
9. Bus Station Brown
8.Michael Phelps Gold
7.Blood Red
6.Scorched Flesh
5. Hypothermia Blue
4.You’re just plain Yeller
3. Jaundice
2. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Beige
1.Baby Poop Green
Top Ten Rejected NFL Team Names
10. The Opticians
9.The Fragile Porcelain Mice
9.The Fightin’ Amish
7. The Blood-Swollen Ticks
6. The Velveteen Rabbits
5. The Referee Killers
4. The Soft Angora Sweater-Wearing Debutantes
3. The Greasy Ferrets
2. The Highly Paid Dumb Guys
1. The Half-time Streakers
1. Sometimes I feel like God has failed because of the way I’m DESIGNED
2. Sometimes I feel like God has failed because of my PAIN
3. Sometimes I feel like God has failed because the world is MESSED UP
“Where is God when I need him?” Believing that God fails leads to a LOSS OF HOPE
1. God has created everyone as an ORIGINAL MASTERPIECE (Psalm 139:14).
2. God comforts his children and today’s pain is only TEMPORARY (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
3. God has promised to create a new temporary HEAVEN and EARTH (Revelation 21:1).
1. Open yourself to new BELIEFS (Proverbs 21:30).
2. Learn about God’s PROMISES and believe in them
3. Live your life based on GOD’S PROMISES
4. Trust your FUTURE on God’s promises (Psalm 33:11).
Questions to ask your child:
1. Have you ever felt like God has failed you?
2. What did you learn tonight to help you know that God never fails us?
3. Where can you go with the pain in your life?
4. What is the biggest pain that Wes has experienced in his life?