We started a new sermon series last night called Mind Games. Everybody likes a good prank, as long as they are not played on you. How do we as Christians know that somebody has not pulled the biggest prank on us? How do we know that what we believe is true? This series is going to examine the truth of Christianity. It is going to be a four week series. Here is the series arc:
Week 1 - The Bible
All that we believe about God comes from the Bible. So how do we know that it is true? We will learn about how we got the Bible and how it is reliable and accurate.
Week 2 - God without the Bible
It is fine that we have made up our mind about the Bible. We believe that it is true and we live our life according to it. But our non-Christian friends do not believe the Bible is real, so how do we share our faith with them. This sermon we are going to learn how to share what God has done in our own lives. People may debate the Bible, but they cannot refute what God has done for you personally.
Week 3 - God vs. Science
Hasn't science already proven that God doesn't exist? What about evolution and other scientific evidence, where do they fit in? Can you believe in science and Christianity?
Week 4 - When God is Silent
What do you do when you feel like God is silent? How do you have faith until God answers your prayers?
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