Tonight at the Trip, we talked about the woman at the well found in John 4. We have talked about this passage a lot lately. Pastor David preached on it and we saw a musical drama on it too. Tonight I took a different look at it. I used it to show how Jesus witnessed to a lost person. He used 7 steps to lead this person from the darkness of sin to the freedom found only in Christ. Here are the 7 steps:
1. Do not worry about what others will think. (Verses 7-9)
2. Begin with common ground. (verses 7-8)
3. Lead the conversation to spiritual things. (verses 10-15)
4. Care enough to be straight forward. (verses 16-17)
5. Get them to acknowledge their sin. (verse 19)
6. Tell them that Jesus is the only way to salvation. (verses 25-26 and 39-42)
And the result of this leads to:
7. Genuine repentance frees us from our shame and salvation to others. (verses 28-30 and 39-42)
Here are some questions you can ask your kids about tonight:
1. Why do Jews hate Samaritans?
2. What was it like to be a woman in the 1st century?
3. Why should you tell someone about their sin?
4. What is the difference between a seeker, sold out, and a stumbler?
5. Who should we share our faith with at school?
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