Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summer Camps

Hype Type from Student Life on Vimeo.

Tonight I announced at the Trip that registration has started for our summer camps. All our camps require a $50 deposit by March 29, the last Sunday in March.

Middle School Camp (6th through 8th grade) - Student Life @ Talladaga, AL, June 4-7 $100

High School Mission Trip (9th-11th grade) - M-Fuge @ Samford University, GA, June 22-27 $125

Senior and College Mission Trip (12th grade) - Ocean City, MD, July 4-11 $175

All camps are for the grade the youth just completed.

Parents Guide to The Trip

Tonight at the Trip was week 3 of Mind Games: Can Science and Religion coexist?. Some say science is all about facts and religion is all about faith. I say that science is the search for truth. Jesus says that He is the truth (John 14:6). I gave the kids all kinds of scientific evidence that back up our faith. Here are some questions that you can ask your kids.

1. How old is the earth?
2.. What are some proofs for a young earth?
3. What happened when men landed on the moon?
4. Tell me about the missing day.
5. What is cool about Niagara Falls?

Video for The Trip

Here is the video I showed at the Trip tonight.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Youth SS Breakfast

It is time again for our monthly youth breakfast.  The middle school classes are hosting this one.  So all you middle school kids need to bring something to eat.  The department will provide the drinks. 

The fun starts at 9:15 in the Youth Department.  We will eat and then our own Jimmy Jordan will be sharing his story with us.  You have seen him play guitar at The Trip, now find out a little more about him.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open Gym

Open Gym tomorrow 3-5 PM in the CAC.  Come get ready for March Madness.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

March Madness

Just put up the rules and sign-up list for March Madness on the student ministry page on the church website.  Download the forms and turn them in by Wednesday, Feb. 25.  

Parents Guide to The Trip

We had week 2 of Mind Games tonight at the Trip.  We talked about how to tell our friends about our faith when they do not believe in the Bible.  I told the students that people can debate the Bible all day, but they cannot debate your testimony.    I shared some reasons that I personally believe in God.  I then gave the students a sheet to fill out telling about their testimony.  Here are some questions that you can ask your kids about the message:

1.  What was your life like before you were a Christian?
2.  How did you give your life to Christ?
3.  What is your life like now that you are a Christian?
4.  How do you personally know that God is real?

Next week in the Trip is week 3 of Mind Games.  It is about Science and God.  Can they coexist?  Hasn't science already disproved God?  

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Come to the Student Worship Center tomorrow night for "The Trip"

Week 2 of Mind Games.  Come learn how to share your faith without using the Bible.

Also come and hang out with us before hand from 3-5.  Video Games, Ping Pong, Foosball, Food, and Great Friends; What else could you want?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pizza Hut for Fusion

We have decided that we are going to Pizza Hut tonight for Fusion.  You can meet at the buses at 7 PM or you can join us there.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

2 videos from The Trip

I showed 2 videos Wednesday night at the Trip and I wanted to share them with you.

The first is from a group called Improv Anywhere.  Wednesday night we were talking about pranks.  This video is a prank that this group did at Grand Central Station in New York.  Enjoy.

The second is a video from showing how we got the Bible.  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sunday Night
7:00 PM
Meet at the Bus

Fusion is our monthly youth fellowship.  We will go to a local fast food joint after the 6 PM worship service.  We will pick the location during Sunday school.  I will announce the location Sunday afternoon on the blog.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

No Open Gym

We are canceling Open Gym tomorrow because there is no school.  If you are sitting around bored tomorrow, how about learning something new.  I am an avid disc golfer.  You might be wondering what this is.  Disc golf combines the sport of golf with Frisbees.  It is really fun.  Tusculum College has just installed a 9 hole course on the back side of their campus.  

You can meet us at the church at 11 AM or if you need a ride you can give me a call at the church tomorrow.  I will bring all the equipment and give you lessons.  Bring some money and we will grab some lunch afterward.  Hope to see you there.  FOUR!!!!!!!!

We started a new sermon series last night called Mind Games.  Everybody likes a good prank, as long as they are not played on you.  How do we as Christians know that somebody has not pulled the biggest prank on us?  How do we know that what we believe is true?  This series is going to examine the truth of Christianity. It is going to be a four week series.  Here is the series arc:

Week 1 - The Bible
All that we believe about God comes from the Bible.  So how do we know that it is true?  We will learn about how we got the Bible and how it is reliable and accurate.

Week 2 - God without the Bible
It is fine that we have made up our mind about the Bible.  We believe that it is true and we live our life according to it.  But our non-Christian friends do not believe the Bible is real, so how do we share our faith with them.  This sermon we are going to learn how to share what God has done in our own lives.  People may debate the Bible, but they cannot refute what God has done for you personally.

Week 3 - God vs. Science
Hasn't science already proven that God doesn't exist?  What about evolution and other scientific evidence, where do they fit in?  Can you believe in science and Christianity?

Week 4 - When God is Silent
What do you do when you feel like God is silent?  How do you have faith until God answers your prayers?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to the blog for the Student Ministry of First Baptist Greeneville.  I hope that this site will help keep you informed on events and ministry.  Keep checking back for new posts.